Friday, September 7, 2012

Filling the Void

I realize I haven't been posting anything in a while, which surely devastates those four of you who sparingly visit this page. I deleted my facebook account because it is evil: It is my hope that transitioning to flickr and this blog will fill the resulting void. The format in which pictures are posted on this blog displeases me. Until I get around to formatting the html, this flickr account will have to suffice. The picture quality is probably better there anyhow...I'm doing you a favor.

This doesn't necessarily have to do with plants, but there are pictures of plants on the flickr site. I will probably make a set; the equivalent of an album on facebook for you facebook drones. That's right I'm not capitalizing facebook, and yes, I'm calling you a drone. It'll catch on.

Anywho, more plant stuff to come. In the meantime, enjoy pictures from my strange life.

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