Friday, March 16, 2012

Fossils at Mine Kill State Park.

Tuesday I decided to take a trip down to Gilboa, NY with an old friend. Driving up the Schoharie Creek is very pretty. The valley becomes more dramatic as you head south and towards the Catskills. Shale cliffs emerge on the mountainsides and thoughts of fossils strike your imagination. The drive also exhibits debris from high waters and destruction from tropical storm Irene.

We eventually stopped at Mine Kill State Park to explore. The park itself is not that interesting and sits across the river from the hydroelectric plant and HUGE electrical wires. Not picturesque. Although, there were some huge tulip trees and the biggest shag-bark hickory I've ever seen. After making our way down towards the river, we started our search. Nothing in the river bed, but the cliffs made for some interesting finds.

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