Friday, February 17, 2012

what I wanted to know more about at the dentist's...

I apologize for not posting last week. I would make an excuse about being busy, but what’s the point? As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago I was interested in curare. Of all the phytochemicals useful to humankind, curare is, perhaps, most important to modern surgery. I vaguely remember going under or waking up from anesthesia as before or after getting my wisdom teeth out. I don't know what gave gave me to knock me out...I think I asked them (before I may have made a joke about breast implants?) but I think they told me I wouldn't remember anyways... I'm hoping it was something similar to curare.

Native Amazonians, presumably through trial and error, found a poison that renders its victim dead after it enters the bloodstream. Although they were likely using this poison for thousands of years, western culture became fascinated with it and took centuries to isolate the causal chemical. During the course of the chemical’s elucidation, people like Condamine, Humbolt, Waterton, Sir Walter Raleigh, were among the naturalists and explorers who documented or collected plants used in the preparation of the arrow poison. Slews of scientists experimented, but Sir Henry Dale followed by Otto Loewl determined it must be similar to acetyl-choline. In fact, the chemical inhibits the neurotransmitter acetyl-choline by binding to its target site. The result is relaxation of motor neurons and the diaphragm, which can result in death (1).

Obviously, the chemical is called curare, but it warrants a little disambiguation. The arrow poison developed by Amazonian Indians was/is made with several adjuvants. The entire concoction has come to be known as curare, but only one chemical (or one of its derivatives) are responsible for inducing a paralyzed state. The alkaloid d-tubocurarine, which causes paralysis is produced by species Strychnos (Loganaceae) and Chondrodendron (Menispermaceae). d-tubocurarine is commonly called curare (2).

Okay. So that was brief, brief explanation of what curare is and where it comes from. Clinical experiments with pure forms of d-tubocurarine were eventually shown to have no negative effects on patients and went on to be the standard for anesthetics (1). This excerpt from Griffiths and Johnson’s 1942 description of clinical curare use perfectly describes the wonder-drug potential: “Under cyclopropane anesthesia, relaxation of the anal sphincter was unsatisfactory. Immediately after the administration of 5c.c. Intocostrin [d-tubocurarine], complete relaxation was obtained, and the operation was easily performed (4).”

As I mentioned, curare, the arrow-poison, was from the Amazon. However, ethnobotanists have also found arrow poisons used by African and Southeast Asian tribes containing similar chemical constituents (3). Strychnos species take on a few different habits like lianas, climbing shrubs or even small trees. Depending where you are in the tropical world, the bark or roots may be used to extract poison. In the Amazon, after a little processing, the poison would be applied to darts for hunting. The meat of an animal contaminated with poison can ingested because the poison is not absorbed through the digestive tract! So cool!

Stuff Cited:

(1)Lee, M.R. 2005. Curare: the South American arrow poison. J R Coll Physicians Edinburgh 35:83-92

(2)Philippe, G., Angenot, L., Tits, M., & Frederich, M. 2004. About the toxicity of some Strychnos species and their alkaloids. Toxicon 44: 405-416.

(3) Philippe, G., & Angenot, L. 2005. Recent developments in the field of arrow and dart poisons. J. Ethnopharmacology 100: 85-91.

(4)Griffith, H.R. & Johnson, G.E. 1945. The use of curare in general anesthesia.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

219 Species

So I finally mounted a ton of the plant's I've collected. They are listed below in alphabetical order by family. Mounted are 219 species. The notebook I record my collections in lists 242 collections. The reason for the discrepancy in numbers is a lost notebook. My first 151 collections were recorded with date, location, ecological settings and plant characters that might disappear with drying. Unfortunately, the second notebook I lost also contained all of this information. Many the labels on my collections are missing at least a date. I can pretty accurately remember where I collected and general ecological conditions, which I think is common.

I just felt like posting this because I'm relieved to have gotten this task out of my hair. From now on, after collecting a plant, I'm going to I.D. it as quickly as possible and write up labels. I'm also going to take care to hold on to those precious notebooks-they contain too much valuable information too loose.

If you find any spelling errors please let me know.

Collection Number
Plant Name Family
199 Dicliptera sexangularis Acanthaceae
175 Sesuvium maritimum Aizoaceae
51 Alisma subcordatum Alismataceae
132 Alteranthera flavescens Amaranthaceae
189 Schinus terebinthifolius Anacardiaceae
155 Toxicodendron radicans Anacardiaceae
1 Angelica lucida Apiaceae
45 Angelica lucida Apiaceae
41 Daucus carota Apiaceae
138 Catharanthus roseus Apocynaceae
213 Sarcostemma clausum Apocynaceae
73 Vinca minor Apocynaceae
80 Arisaema triphyllum Araceae
118 Achillea millefolium ssp. Lanulosa Asteraceae
118 Achillea millefolium ssp. lanulosa Asteraceae
11 Antennaria howellii Asteraceae
105 Balsamorhiza sagittata Asteraceae
176 Borrichia frutescens Asteraceae
131 Chrysothamnus nauseosus var. albicaulis Asteraceae
129 Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus var. viscidiflorus Asteraceae
30 Cichorium intybus Asteraceae
209 Cirsium horridum Asteraceae
126 Crepis acuminata Asteraceae
153 Emilia fosbergii Asteraceae
3 Erigeron philladelphicus Asteraceae
98 Erigeron pumilus var. gracilior Asteraceae
91 Erigeron spp. Asteraceae
198 Erigeron spp. Asteraceae
170 Eupatorium serotinum Asteraceae
122 Iva axillaris Asteraceae
204 Mikania scandens Asteraceae
204 Mikania scandens Asteraceae
204 Mikania scandens Asteraceae
181 Pluchea carolinensis Asteraceae
208 Pluchea carolinensis Asteraceae
208 Pluchea carolinensis Asteraceae
202 Pluchea foetida Asteraceae
214 Sphagneticola trilobata Asteraceae
178 Sesuvium portulacastrum Azioaceae
43 Impatiens capensis Balsaminaceae
102 Hackelia micrantha Boraginaceae
140 Heliotropium angiospermum Boraginaceae
177 Heliotropium curassavicum Boraginaceae
169 Heliotropium polyphyllum Boraginaceae
107 Lithospermum ruderale Boraginaceae
235 Mertensia maritima var. maritima Boraginaceae
100 Mertensia spp. Boraginaceae
100 Mertensia spp. Boraginaceae
13 Myosotis laxa Boraginaceae
92 Allysum desertorum Brassicaceae
37 Berteroa incana Brassicaceae
37 Berteroa incana Brassicaceae
237 Cakile edentula Brassicaceae
104 Erysimum spp. Brassicaceae
139 Lepidium virginicum Brassicaceae
152 Tillandsia usneoides Bromelliaceae
195 Opuntia humifusa Cactaceae
21 Campanula rotundifolia Campanulaceae
154 Lobelia feayana Campanulaceae
27 Lonicera canadensis Caprifoliaceae
16 Cerastium spp. Caryophyllaceae
127 Silene douglasii var. douglasii Caryophyllaceae
15 Stellaria graminea Caryophyllaceae
39 Hypericum perforatum Clusiaceae
33 Commelina communis Commelinaceae
57 Clintonia borealis Convallariaceae
26 Maianthemum canadense Convallariaceae
219 Maianthemum canadense Convallariaceae
225 Medeola virginiana Convallariaceae
10 Calystegia sepium Convolvulaceae
188 Ipomoea alba Convolvulaceae
161 Ipomoea indica Convolvulaceae
183 Ipomoea indica Convolvulaceae
212 Ipomoea wrightii Convolvulaceae
185 Momordica charantia Cucurbitaceae
186 Momordica charantia Cucurbitaceae
226 Eriophorum vaginatum var. spissum Cyperaceae
171 Rhynchospora colorata Cyperaceae
238 Drosera rotundifolia Droseraceae
63 Dryopteris intermedia Dryopteridaceae
63 Dryopteris intermedia Dryopteridaceae
79 Polystichum braunii Dryopteridaceae
120 Equisetum hyemale Equisetaceae
228 Chamaedaphne calyulata var. angustifolia Ericaceae
231 Kalmia angustifolia Ericaceae
220 Unidentified Ericaceae
229 Vaccinium macrocarpum Ericaceae
230 Vaccinium macrocarpum Ericaceae
172 Chamaesyce hyssopifolia Euphorbiaceae
150 Poinsettia cyathophora Euphorbiaceae
192 Erythrina herbacea Fabaceae
234 Lathyrus japonicus Fabaceae
234 Lathyrus japonicus Fabaceae
234 Lathyrus japonicus Fabaceae
179 Rynchosia michauxii Fabaceae
147 Rynchosia minima Fabaceae
7 Viccia cracca Fabaceae
148 Vicia acutifolia Fabaceae
222 Corydalis sempervirens Fumariaceae
174 Sabatia grandiflora Gentianaceae
180 Sabatia stellaris Gentianaceae
117 Geranium richardsonii Geraniaceae
18 Geranium robertanium Geraniaceae
159 Scaevola plumieri Goodeniaceae
207 Scaevola teccada var. taccada Goodeniaceae
52 Hemerocallis fulva Hemerocallidaceae
232 Iris versicolor Iridaceae
173 Sisyrinchium angustifolium Iridaceae
89 Sisyrinchium atlanticum Iridaceae
90 Zigadenus venenosus Liliaceae
141 Mentzelia floridana Loasaceae
241 Lycopodium annotinum Lycopodiaceae
242 Lycopodium obscurum Lycopodiaceae
142 Ammannia latifolia Lythraceae
48 Althaea offincinalis Malvaceae
136 Gossypium hirsutum Malvaceae
216 Malvaviscus penduliflorus Malvaceae
149 Sida acuta Malvaceae
135 Sida rhombifolia Malvaceae
58 Monotropa uniflora Monotropaceae
233 Monotropa uniflora Monotropaceae
190 Ficus aurea Moraceae
210 Callistemon viminale Myrtaceae
128 Epilobium latifolium Onagraceae
121 Epilobium paniculata var. jucundum Onagraceae
151 Guara angustifolia Onagraceae
160 Oenothera humifusa Onagraceae
223 Cypridium acaule Orchidaceae
163 Eulophia graminea Orchidaceae
201 Oxalis debilis var. corymbosa Oxalidaceae
25 Oxalis montana Oxalidaceae
2 Chelideonium majus Papaveraceae
164 Passiflora suberosa Passifloriaceae
47 Plantago major Plantaginaceae
236 Plantago maritima Plantaginaceae
236 Plantago maritima Plantaginaceae
115 Agropyron intermedium Poaceae/Gramineae
112 Agropyron spicatum Poaceae/Gramineae
191 Cenchrus gracillimus Poaceae/Gramineae
114 Poa nevadensis Poaceae/Gramineae
93 Sitaniona hystrix Poaceae/Gramineae
93 Sitaniona hystrix Poaceae/Gramineae
119 Gilia aggregata var. aggregata Polemoniaceae
97 Phlox hoodii Polemoniaceae
95 Phlox longifolia Polemoniaceae
125 Phlox pulvinata Polemoniaceae
184 Coccoloba uvifera Polygonaceae
116 Eriogonum umbelatum var. umbelatum Polygonaceae
62 Polypodium virginianum Polypodiaceae
64 Polypodium virginianum Polypodiaceae
65 Polypodium virginianum Polypodiaceae
146 Portulaca oleracea Portulacaceae
145 Portulaca pilosa Portulacaceae
44 Lysimachia ciliata Primulaceae
156 Samolus ebracteatus Primulaceae
227 Trientalis borealis Primulaceae
66 Pellaea atropurpurea Pteridaceae
67 Pellaea atropurpurea Pteridaceae
69 Pellaea atropurpurea Pteridaceae
12 Anemone canadensis Ranunculaceae
75 Anemone quinquefolia Ranunculaceae
6 Aquilegia canadensis Ranunculaceae
96 Delphinium depauperatum Ranunculaceae
70 Hepatica nobilis Ranunculaceae
72 Hepatica nobilis Ranunculaceae
14 Argentina anserine Rosaceae
111 Chamaebatiaraia millefolium Rosaceae
5 Fragaria vesca Rosaceae
86 Fragaria vesca Rosaceae
224 Potentilla simplex Rosaceae
107 Purshia tridentata Rosaceae
28 Rubus hispidus Rosaceae
42 Rubus odoratus Rosaceae
166 Ernodea littoralis Rubiaceae
8 Galium palustre Rubiaceae
4 Houstonia caerulea Rubiaceae
221 Houstonia caerulea Rubiaceae
240 Houstonia caerulea Rubiaceae
205 Pyschotria nervosa Rubiaceae
215 Randia aculeata Rubiaceae
197 Spermacoce spp. Rubiaceae
167 Zanthoxylum fagara Rutaceae
84 Salix rigida Salicaceae
88 Salix rigida Salicaceae
165 Dondonaea viscosa Sapindaceae
193 Dondonaea viscosa Sapindaceae
206 Dondonaea viscosa Sapindaceae
109 Lithophragma parviflora Saxifragaceae
87 Mitella diphylla Saxifragaceae
87 Mitella diphylla Saxifragaceae
130 Castileja spp. Scrophulariaceae
61 Linaria vulgaris Scrophulariaceae
110 Mimulus nanus Scrophulariaceae
50 Mimulus ringens Scrophulariaceae
123 Mimulus washingtonensis Scrophulariaceae
162 Physalis walteri Solanaceae
187 Solanum chenopodiodes Solanaceae
32 Solanum dulcamara Solanaceae
168 Suriana maritima Surianaceae
192 Polypremum procumbems Tetrachondraceae
31 Trillium erectum Trilliaceae
81 Trillium erectum Trilliaceae
88 Trillium undulatum Trilliaceae
182 Typha domingensis Typhaceae
49 Typha x gluaca Typhaceae
124 Lomatium triternatum ssp. triternatum Umbeliferae
200 Lantana camara Verbenaceae
157 Phyla nodiflora Verbenaceae
144 Bacopa monnieri Veronicaceae
158 Bacopa monnieri Veronicaceae
137 Capraria biflora Veronicaceae
143 Capraria biflora Veronicaceae
101 Viola nuttallii var. vallicola Violaceae
74 Viola rotundifolia Violaceae
77 Viola spp. Violaceae
78 Viola spp. Violaceae
29 Viola tricolor Violaceae
217 Tribulus cistoides Zygophyllaceae