Friday, December 16, 2011


With the creation of this blog, I intend to: 
1:  get in the habit of writing  in order to improve my ability to communicate ideas and concepts
2: display my cognaissance/comprehension of scientific publications, which will, hopefully, improve with readers' feedback.
3:  disseminate my love for plants and other relevant topics with others.
4:  record worthwhile observations

I hope to post at least once a week. The subjects may vary, but I intend to cite sources to support any conclusions I make. In general, I will try to remain objective when relating certain information. However, the next post will likely be about black walnut ecology, its practicality as a food and as a timber crop. I may take some liberties expressing my opinion with it practicality as a food source. That said, this blog is to record various queries I have, for myself and others. My only hope is that others find it appealing; my brother doubts this.

As this is my first blog, I'm sure I will meddle with formatting and make frequent e adjustments at first.

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